- Traffic audit for the RCEA new motorway in France, for Ascendi (2017)
- Traffic Adviser for the IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes de Portugal), concerning the auditing of financial rebalancing negotiations with motorway concessionaire, in Portugal: Douro Litoral PPP, 2015/2016
- Auditing of Traffic Study for the Rota do Horizonte Road Concession, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (produced by TECTRAN), for the Odebrecht Group (2015)
- Traffic adviser and transport economy adviser for the European Bank of Investment: auditing of traffic studies and economic viability study regarding PPP Baixo Alentejo, in Portugal, 2012/2013
- Traffic adviser for the European Bank of Investment: auditing of traffic studies regarding PPP Tunnel do Marão, in Portugal, 2011
- Traffic adviser for the European Bank of Investment: auditing of traffic studies regarding PPP Transmontana motorway, in Portugal, 2013
- Traffic Adviser for the IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes de Portugal), concerning the auditing of financial rebalancing negotiations with motorway concessionaire, in Portugal: Litoral Centro PPP, 2011/2012
- Traffic Adviser for the IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes de Portugal), concerning the auditing of financial rebalancing negotiations with motorway concessionaire, in Portugal: Douro Litoral PPP, 2012/2013
- Traffic Adviser for the IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes de Portugal), concerning the auditing of financial rebalancing negotiations with motorway concessionaire, in Portugal: Concessão Oeste PPP, 2013/on course
- Traffic Adviser for the ASCENDI group (motorway concessionaires of several motorways, in Portugal), concerning support for the analysis of the claim for financial compensation presented by REPSOL, due to the introduction of tolls in the Costa da Prata motorway concession, 2013/on course
- Auditing of Traffic Forecasts for the Via Expresso Road Concession, in Madeira (produced by VTM), for the Regional Government of Madeira (2008)
- Auditing of Traffic Forecasts for the S.Miguel Road Concession, in S.Miguel Açores (produced by Ferrovial), for the Regional Government of Açores (2005)
- Auditing of Traffic Study for the Marquês do Pombal Tunnel, in Lisboa (produced by VTM); for the Instituto Português do Ambiente (2004)